Thursday 4 June 2015

Last day to submit Project Proposal (P1, P2, P3)


Today is the last day for us to submit the Project Proposal (P1, P2, P3) to Puan Hidayah.

And also... today is our last day of preparing for Presentation tomorrow. The heat is getting hotter, guys..

Location: Lobby FTMK, UTeM :)

Let see how the Presentation goes tomorrow ay :D

Have a pleasant day!

Nature Republic.

The picture above shown the first step on how to make a website using Adobe Dreamweaver :)
Kalau minat, kalau berusaha, boleh jadi senang. Tapi kalau sebaliknya? Haaa diri sendiri jugak susah nanti.

System Development Workshop ni sedikit sebanyak membantu kami pelajar Diploma yang akan membuat Projek Diploma pada tahun akhir. During our Diploma Project, we have to develop a system/website. Any kind of it. Tajuk bebas (probably yes? I am not sure :D)

Less than 24 hours.

Semalam, kami stay di Perpustakaan UTeM bersama ahli kumpulan yang lain untuk bersama-sama menyiapkan interface website yang akan dibentangkan kurang daripada 24 jam. SERAAAAMMMMMMM!!! Semoga semuanya dapat disiapkan pada hari ini, supaya esok tak kelam kabut.. In shaa Allah. Kami boleh! Cewaaahhhh..